Yes, it is true! No matter what we say, we all want to be loved and be pursued. Sometimes I wonder what God was thinking when he created man and woman, both so different and with such different needs. After watching the Bachelor last night, yes I went there, I realized how desperate girls are for love. We want to be THE one he chooses. We want to have what the others don't. I know it is a "reality" tv show but if it weren't so real, why would there still be an audience? And why would men and women still apply? They have watched the train wreck for years. Yes, of course, there are the exotic dates and trips to faraway lands that could entice any single male or female, but seriously, these girls really believe they will find love and are willing to pursue it at this cost. Some get it, some don't.
Unfortunately, for most of us, love isn't a trip to Paris to skydive from the Eiffel Tower or finding ourselves having a picnic on some deserted island for the weekend. Of course, we could all fall in love on a helicopter landing on a yacht in the middle of an ocean only to find ourselves in a hot tub that same day on that same yacht and then land ourselves dinner in the middle of Newport Beach with no one around. I wonder how many of us could arrange that for a romantic day out. When life is forgotten and you don't have to take the kids to school or get up in the morning to go to a job to pay the mortgage, it is easy to fall in love. BUT that isn't our reality, and nor is it theirs when it is all over. Love has to withstand life and all that it has to offer without the glamour and glitz and in order to do that, we have to pursue the one we love continually. The bachelor girls maybe go a little too far in their pursuit of love, but what we can learn from them, is the longing to make someone feel like they matter. You don't have to take off your clothes or make out on the first date, but be gentle, kind and most importantly, pursue love like God pursues you-unconditionally and mercifully.
"Love never fails."
1 Corinthians 13:8
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