Thursday, March 31, 2016

Geesh, God! What's Next?

Only after a few weeks of making a public claim that life could only get better this year, it took a big u-turn. I really did think I had experienced it all. I had been challenged enough in every one of my relationships and in every possible situation imaginable and unimaginable. But no, it wasn't over yet.

Of course, I tried to keep it to myself to not upset those around me but I cracked. I always crack. I couldn't help it. But in just a few minutes it was passed on and we moved on. It was a big event day.

It is always a big event day. Funny, how God seems to think the big event will distract me enough to get me through it all. Or maybe it is His way of putting things on pause so my mind doesn't spiral out of control. When something eats at your heart, it is hard to stay cool, but I did for the next few hours. No one knew. I smiled, I took pictures, I focused on what was in front of me.

Or at least I thought I did. I tried. I really did this time. I mean, sometimes, you have to trust the situation and move on.

But this time, my crazy mind replayed conversations, scenarios and unexplainable events over again in my head. And over and over again. And then one day, I woke up angry! I hadn't let it go and now I wanted answers. But then again, did I?

Sometimes in life things happen that truly are unexplainable, and in this situation I may or may not ever know the truth. I simply have to trust that what I know is what I need to know right now. We have to trust that God is in control and that as long as we are doing the right thing, in the end, He will come and peace will prevail. I know I need to settle with God during this time, but that doesn't mean it is easy. Small reminders rear their head of the pain I felt on that day and all the times before but I have to put my faith in the One greater than me if I am ever going to move on.

“The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him.” Nahum 1:7

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

God's Great Creation

If I could be on a hike every day of the week, I would. As I get older, the pace at which I work seems to take its toll on me. I am no longer energized by the fast-paced, never-ending pile of stress I used to enjoy all too much.

Today, I want to get away. I want to indulge in the great outdoors. Today, I want to breathe the fresh air and the beauty of the world I live in.

My adventurous spirit started back in high school with week long backpacking trips and a cycling road trip with my youth group. I love the outdoors and have longed, at times, to live where I can explore my own backyard.

Even though I can't have that right now, I do live in a beautiful place that can get me to the mountains or the beach in a day, along with a hike among trees or along an ocean.

And this day was no exception. We took to the road and searched trails on our way. We never really know where we are going when we pull out of our driveway. Top down, sun shining, we were heading north. It was already after noon, so we had to get somewhere quick if we were going to get in a decent hike. Trying to find a road less travelled, we passed on Eaton Canyon and drove a little farther to Echo Mountain. On the trailhead, we decided to take the narrow trail instead of following the crowds up to Inspiration Point. A historical spot for many, we maneuvered our way up a steep and rocky path to the top. Lizards shared our path as we climbed. It was hot and not an easy trail for most, but we wanted to see what was on the other side.

 After a short time, we made it and the view of Los Angeles was stunning. No matter where you go, or what you see, there is always something awesome of the the big world out in front of us. When I looked out, I saw the city of Angels standing tall out in the distance. All I could think of was how small it was in the landscape in front of me. Really, the "big city" is so small in the scheme of life. The hustle and bustle we crave is nothing, when we pan out a little. So, next time you are worrying about that deadline or that assignment that feels like the end of the world, remember it is not as big as you think.

"For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him." Colossians 1:16