Sunday, September 24, 2017

Don't Let Go of the Good Things

I remember laying awake at night wondering if this was really what God planned for me. and if it was, why me? But if it wasn't, what do I do to make it right? I cried a lot and prayed more. I surrendered and he drew near. I felt a peace.

And then, my life fall apart around me and I realized I let work take the very things I loved away from me. You see how God did that. I had peace right before the storm. That's how he works. He prepared me for the storm that I didn't see coming but I was ready. I had to make a change. Work wasn't really the problem as much as my desire to hide. The more I worked, the less I had to be alone. The less I had to make friends. The less I had to confront life. Work has always been easier than dealing with real life. Since I started working at 15, I packed my days with no time to enjoy what I loved or anything else in my life. Every minute of every day was scheduled, so there was no time for spontaneity. No time to pause, to listen, to meet a friend, to just be me. The me who loved my family, who loved teaching, who loved the outdoors, and who loved to dance.

When the world around me got ugly, I knew something had to give and I had to give something. I never saw it coming, only thinking I was doing what I needed to do, telling myself it was for the family. But what they needed was me. Not money, not stuff, but my time and my presence.

Whatever it is that keeps you from being present, stop it.

If your kids are older, they need you more than ever. They need you to be around for those spontaneous bad days, breakups and hard decisions. They need you to share their excitement about a new job, help them with an assignment at school or even just to hash out life's frustrations and joys.

If your husband is distant, he needs you to draw close. When we are most afraid, we drift, we hide and sometimes we even get a little edgy. Look past it, and love on him.

If your friends stop calling, go to them. Call, write, message or Facetime if they are far away. There is nothing better than hearing from a friend when you are doing life and busy as ever. When you feel you can't add another meeting, it is the best time to make a connection and become human and share life with someone who cares about you for you.

I have learned that some of my greatest losses were my greatest needs.

Hebrews 10:24-25
"And let us consider how to stir one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."

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