Yesterday, I woke up to a reminder that the cleaning service, that I apparently signed up for, would be arriving at 7:30. I had no idea I signed on for a repeat service when the Groupon came in last month. So, frantically, I went through the house picking things ups, moving things around, and realizing that had I not been so busy I would have seen this coming. With an inbox of over 150 emails, I am sure there was one that told me I had signed up. I would have a clean house when I came home but all I could think of was, "How did this happen?" "How did I get so busy that I signed up for something and didn't realize it?" I have been so caught up working that the house had become a second priority. And then it came upon me, the sense that I had lost control of everything. A typical morning now turned in to one that had everyone running frantic. If you have ever had a cleaning service, you get it. It's actually funny. We have to clean up, to get cleaned up.
I left the house frustrated and sad. Frustrated because I had missed it and sad because I felt I had let the family down. Tears running down my face driving down the 91 sent me to work late with puffy eyes walking into a meeting with all eyes on me. I took a deep breath, pulled it together and got to work. We do that, when we leave the situation, we simply let it go in an instant and get to work. Getting home late that night, I had accomplished much but still have a full plate ready for the next day.
Sometimes we let the moment get the best of us. Yes, I feel overwhelmed at times during the day, but in those moments I have to remember to take a deep breath and do something, something that moves the situation. Panic, frustration and tears don't make the feeling go away. So, when there is nothing we can do to change the situation around us, we have to start with our response. And when there are more things on your list than you have time for, do the things that matter most first.
The house was clean when I came home and everything was back to normal. The tears, the frustration and sadness never should have been there. I let a simple situation get the best of me in a moment of panic. Don't we do that?
Today, find that thing that matters most and do it first. Don't wait until everything else is done or until you are dead tired at the end of the day. Go to God and let him help you find peace in the chaos and then call your friend (or your mom), make cupcakes for the kids, or go for a run. Whatever it is that matters most to you, do it first. Everything else will be there tomorrow.