Did she do the best with what she got? Or did she let it go too soon? Did she give up because it seemed impossible? Or did she fight until the end?
Being a mom is not for the weak. For most, it requires deep sacrifice. Sacrifices you never thought you'd make or even have to think about. And I am not taking about missing out on a cup of coffee with friends at Starbucks or cutting your workout short because you got a call that your child is crying at the nursery. Yes, these are real things, but to call them sacrifices, may be a little dramatic. These are luxuries that we take for granted and then expect them when we are having a bad day. Move on mama, sacrifices are bigger than that. They are compromising sometimes, giving in so you can extend grace on a child who is struggling, being there when it is painful, watching your baby grow into a man only to find that life isn't always nice and the world sorta sucks.
The world will tell us that we've all had to go through it, or "it's a part of life," but it doesn't make it suck less. I ran into a mom at the grocery store the other day and she asked if it got easier. She was referring to being a mom. She had a 10 and 12 year old, and although I can understand where she is coming from, a 10 and 12 year old are much easier in the scheme of parenthood.
It's when you have to let go, let them make their own choices, and then see them struggle. That's the hard part of parenthood. Sure, you are no longer responsible for making dinner or picking them up from school, but you also don't get to put them to bed at night or snuggle up when they've had a bad day.
Being a mama of adults is hard.