Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A dangerous game

Remember the game, "Telephone," we played as kids? As adults we play this game too often but now it has become or can become all too harmful to others. In the last few weeks, I have heard a few things about others that have rattled me a bit. Stories or incidents that saddened me and discouraged me in the moment, later to find out, the stories were not quite right, details left out and terrible assumptions made by those sharing with me.

False accusations and assumptions can be dangerous. We need to be careful with repeating things or sharing things that we are not fully aware of and that can later destroy or damage someone's reputation or credibility. Instead, find out the truth for yourself and lift each other up. The story you hear may only be partly true and someone may need your support. If someone is struggling or has made a bad choice, it is better to encourage them than share their story as a tragedy to others. 

Our world gives us enough to tear us down and overwhelm us, let's think the best in others and go to the sources, rather than repeat things we have no business talking about. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Bittersweet Days

Being a parent brings so much life to our household. Some days we laugh so loud at the antics we play and we are rolling on the floor. Other days we sit quietly sharing the decisions of schedules and goals, discussing future plans. And some sad days are spent with broken hearts and spirits when things didn't go as we expected.

Jacob came into this world with eyes wide open ready to take on anything. He had a sense of humor and a prankster attitude from the time he could walk and we embraced it, even if it drove us crazy at times.

I never wanted to miss a moment with him. Most parents will tell you, "enjoy every moment, it goes by so fast." You never had to tell me that, time was going fast and every milestone I am still hanging on to with dear life.

In Kindergarten, I took the morning off and Rob and I walked our little guy in his maroon polo and tan shorts to the classroom. We walked around the room, found his desk, met the teacher and some kids, and then were shooed out for the day. I held back tears until I got in the car and cried all the way to work that morning. Some of you were there and remember it well. Even though I knew the day was coming, I had no idea how hard it would be.

As junior high approached, I dreaded the first day as if it were the last. Shortly, after the year started, I realized "this is fun" and wanted Jacob to stay in junior high forever. I know what you are thinking-"Junior high was the worst." But it wasn't! With Rob working at night, Jacob and I ate dinner out, shopped, and visited Disneyland often.

In February, Jacob turned 16 and again, I have been hanging on to every moment and every memory. It has been tough as mom to watch him drive a way in his car on a Saturday afternoon. So many of my friends have said, "it must be nice to not have to drive him around any more" but I have had some of the hardest days in the last month since the day he was born. Not because I worry about a car accident, as most probably do, but because my baby wants to be with his friends, explore his independence and simply, not hang out with mom.

Being a parent is challenging on so many levels but we have had fun, we have laughed and we have enjoyed time together. We never sacrificed our time together throughout the years and I don't regret one decision we ever made to be the parents we are today. I have been called a "helicopter mom" and been told to "cut the cord'" on more than one occasion. I broke all the rules of parenting, and didn't follow a plan or any book's suggestions, but I loved him and guided him in every way I could.

Now that he is gaining independence more and more each day, I am proud of the young man he is becoming. Loving him is easy and I look forward to all that life has to bring us as a family. God has given us such a gift in Jacob and has made life more exciting every day. Jacob has taught us so much through the years and we are thankful God has brought him into our lives 17 years ago. 

For now and forever, I will enjoy and appreciate holding on to every moment we have together. As parents, we have to trust that our love and guidance is enough . It is time for Jacob to make some decisions on his own and he may make a few wrong ones, but he will also make many right ones. Either way, it is important as parents we are there to encourage our kids when they are successful, and pick them up when things didn't go as they expected.

Proverbs 22:6 
Train up a child in the way he should go,

And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Looking for a new job

Our society praises those who are constantly rising to the top. We give awards to perfect attendance, years of service and hard working men and women who come to work early and leave late. Not to say having a strong work ethic is a bad thing but is it the one thing that defines us? When we spend all of our time working, we lose the time with our families and friends building lasting relationships that matter much more than the job you have. Of course, a job can bring new friends together and give you satisfaction, but when you retire or quit, how many will remember you? And what will they remember you for? Some of us make a difference in our work but the reality is, when you are gone, they find someone else to fill your spot. We have lost sight if the balance in our lives and spend too much time trying to keep up with schedules that wear us out and have us moving from work to soccer practice to eating dinner on the way and finally crashing once we finally make it home. 

Is that satisfying you? Are you fulfilled with the rat race we call success today? Are you busy doing what you want or what someone else wants?

I decided a few weeks ago I would not let my job define me as much as allow God to be used in great ways through me. When I am work, I will do what I need to do to fulfill my responsibilities but I will also make time for those around me, spending time at the neighborhood bonfires, go camping with the family, walk the dogs as many days as possible and enjoy lunch with a friend. I am guilty of allowing my work to take up most of my days and feeling stressed and overwhelmed most of the time. For me, summer is always a time of reflection on the past year and planning the next year. As I look forward, I want to give more, take less and enjoy the simple things around me every day. Life really has so much more to offer when we do it with others and for others, rather than focusing on how we can make it to the top. 

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Colossians 3:23, 24 NIV)