"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you." You've all heard it and most of us have probably even chanted it in the school yard when some meanie called us names or accused us of something. But the reality is, that as adults, we realize words are more harmful than we ever could imagine.
Our words can be used to tear someone down or lift them up. I don't know about you but I've been the target of my fair share of tear downs and in bad judgement I've said hurtful things to others as well. In the heat of the moment, when we are angry or feel like someone has gone against us, we may say things we later regret. When that happens, it is best to admit fault, apologize and hopefully move on, waiting for the next opportunity that may be used to lift that person up. Every day we have an opportunity to lift someone up through encouragement and love with our words.
"...we should realise the enormous potential that every human being has to affect the lives of others through their tongues. We may not have the power that comes from money, fame or position, but all of us have the power and the potential that come from being able to communicate with words." -Nick Gumbel