Monday, November 25, 2013

More than I expected

Today, I woke up deciding to make a change.

It started with a trip to the doctor. Yes, the doctor for an annual exam, no less. I never look forward to these trips necessarily, except to hear the latest scoop on what the doc has been up to. He is always working on a project; whether it is writing a book, speaking at a church locally or this time, starting his blog. As we shared life together in those few short moments, my decision to make a change was confirmed. I know he cares about my family, not just from a medical perspective but from a real place in his heart. You see, the doc was with us when Jacob was born and has cared for our family ever since.  He continues to see us through it all-from my post baby blues when he would ask genuinely, "How are you doing?" to first shots, high school physicals and our growth through some trying times.  In our visit and through our conversation, I was reminded and encouraged by his love to love others and to live daily focusing helping others. 

Back at home, I stopped a neighbor to catch up as we were both walking in. In just a few short moments, we shared our lives together. Not a lot of details, but a short chat to catch up. She, too, encouraged me in ways she may not have realized with her non-judgmental attitude towards others and her smile through some of her toughest experiences. 

As I set out to make a change today to love others more freely, I had received the love of others. My change wasn't about making me feel good as much as it was to share my joy with others. But it did feel good! And that is just what happens when we build communities around us with people we know and even those we don't. Just a simple "Hey Lady" to the neighbor sparked a genuine conversation and connection. We need to remember it is not about our needs but it is about loving each other and building a sense of community every where you go. It's about creating a small town around you where every one knows your name and accepts you for who you are and where you are in that moment. It's about buying magazines, candy or wrapping paper from the neighbor's kids, even if you have more than enough for the year. It's about taking time to recognize when someone is struggling and actually doing something about it.

God used my doctor and neighbor today to encourage and love on me when I set out to love others. We live in a culture that wants to isolate itself and not take responsibility for others. We think we want to be left alone and not be bothered by the knock at the door or the phone ringing. Guilty myself, I realized I have shut people out at times I needed them the most. Now, I don't know about you, but I don't want to be the lonely one. The one who was too busy to stop for a chat with the neighbor, too busy to call a friend when she may be struggling with a decision, or be so disconnected I didn't even notice when someone needed me. 

We are better together.
We need each other.
We were designed to love and be loved. 

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands cannot quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12